Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Make Your Own Sunscreen and Other Products

Up until about 8 years ago I use to make my own soap bars. Then we bought our first home and between our ongoing renovations and having three children it seemed to get forgotten. I should have gone back to basics a long time ago especially when we had our two youngest. I often thought I should go back to making it but for some reason I never seemed to make it a priority to do so. Perhaps it was because I felt as if I didn’t have the time to make my own skin care products which is so untrue!
Last year my good friend Rebecca taught me to make sunscreen lotion which turned out to be just the kick in the rear to get me started again. (Thanks, Rebecca!) It is so unbelievably easy and really takes NO TIME at all!
This year along with my two youngest Micaela and Ty we made our own sunscreen lotion as well as a sunscreen stick and an Aloe Body Spray. Next up, is Body wash and bar soap.
Although it can be expensive at first to get all the ingredients most ingredients are used for several products and when you work out the cost per item it works out to being less than what you would purchased in a store. For example, the stick of sunscreen that we made worked out to be $4.13 per stick. The push up container being the most expensive item needed to make this product at $2.13.
As I mention before making your own products literally take NO time at all! The stick was made in about 5 minutes. The lotion took us about 30 minutes to make. Aloe Spray also 5 minutes. If you can bake a cake or follow a recipe you can make skin care products. The ingredients is easy to find and can be purchased at Galloway’s or Cranberry lane.
I have included the recipes below. I’d love to hear if you have any of your own recipes or even how your homemade products turn out!
Even though there hasn't been a mad rush to slap on the sunscreen in Vancouver and it doesn’t look like sunshine is in our near future if you are staying here but if you are planning on travelling you may need some. We are heading for our annual trip to Disneyland tomorrow and from the weather reports we will need our sunscreen!
Happy creating!

Tropical Island Sun Lotion (6 month shelf life keep in fridge)
Measure and heat until clear :
1. 100 ml carrier oil (jojoba oil natural SPF of 4 )
2. 2 tspn cocoa butter
3. 2 tablespoon coconut oil (or can use shea butter instead)
4. 2 tsp grated beeswax (buy pelts )
5. 1 tsp vegetable lecithin
Add to oil before you heat the mixture
1. 1 tsp titanium dioxide SPF 15-20
2. 1 tsp zinc oxide (increases protection)
Heat for 2 minutes on the microwave –cool in a water bath before adding ingredients
In a different bowl add:

1. ½ cup aloe vera juice
2. 1 tsp vitamin E
3. ½ tsp tragacanth gum
4. 2 tablespoon lavender water

Add the two mixtures together and beat with hand blender until creamy
Add 25 drops essential oil blend ** mix well
** no lemon or citrus scents

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